
Soil and Moisture Conservation

    The Department to maintain and increase the ground water level and to retain the moisture level of the area for longer time carries out various Soil and Moisture Conservation.

  • Constructions of Check Dams : Checkdams are built in different forest areas of the Panchayats are created in the forest areas which in turn will help to retain the moisture to the area for longer period by percolation there providing water to the animals and birds in the vicinity of the area. The Department has built 74 nos. of Check dams in the Forest areas.
  • Construction of Percolation Tanks : To enhance the sustainable yield in area, conservation storage of excess surface water, for future requirements, to improve the quality of water through dilution, recharge of ground water development etc. The Department has built 04 nos. of Percolations tanks in the Forest areas.
  • Gully Plugging :
  • a). A gully plug is a small, temporary or permanent dam constructed across a drainage ditch, swale, or channel to lower the speed of concentrated flows for a certain design range of storm events.

    b). A gully plug can be built from wood logs, stone, pea gravel-filled sandbags or bricks and cement. Reduced runoff speed reduces erosion and gully erosion in the channel and allows sediments and other pollutants to settle out.

    c).Gully plugs are inexpensive and easy to install. They may be permanent if designed properly and can be used where it is not possible to otherwise divert flow and stabilise the channel.

  • Staggered Contour Trench : The Department to maintain and increase the moisture level and to retain the water level around the plantations carried out on the Forest areas built Staggered Contour Trench in the plantations. The Department has created staggered contour trenches in more than 619 Ha.