

    The Department every year carries mix plantations in the degraded forest areas to rejuvenate the Forests and to increase the Forest Cover.

    Details of Mix Plantations carried out during Last Five Year
    Plantation Year Range Division Total (in Ha) No. of Seedlings Planted
    Territorial Wildlife    

    Northern 70 80 110 144000
    Central - 130 130 104000
    Southern 195 - 195 152000
    Total 260 240 505 404000

    Northern 100 80 180 255000
    Central - 130 130 147500
    Southern 200 - 200 220000
    Total 300 210 510 622500

    Northern 60 50 110 176000
    Central 20 30 50 63660
    Southern 150 - 150 210500
    Total 230 80 310 450160

    Northern 30 50 110 176000
    Central - 30 50 63660
    Southern 170 - 150 210500
    Total 200 80 310 450160