
The ex-Portuguese enclave of Daman (Damao) is a world of its own. It is a paradise for travellers searching for peace, solitude and serenity. The charm of this place lies in its fine forts and churches, in which you can get a whiff of Portuguese preeminence. This quaint union territory had a serendipitous discovery too. The story goes like this. The first Portuguese Captain Diogo de Mello, while on his way to Ormuz, met with a violent cyclone, and got lost. When all his hopes were gone, he suddenly found himself at the Daman coast. Since then, Daman has been a destination for the wanderer who craves to be lost and found.

The beauty of the Union Territory is such that it was once known as Kalana Pavri or Lotus of Marshlands. A laid back little town, Daman is divided by the Damanganga river and emanates a charm that’s whimsically untamed, but definitely not cruel.

The District of Daman is known to have formed part of the country known as Lata which was one the seven divisions of the Aparant or Konkan Vishaya, between 2nd Century B.C. to 13th Century A.D. The Daman District is included in the intervening region and therefore must have formed part of the Mauryan empire at least at the time of Ashoka. After the Mauryan power was weakened, the district was under the rule of Satkarni I, the Satavahana ruler at the end of 2nd Century B.C. After that, during the 1st Century A.D., the District of Daman seemed to have been ruled by Kshaharatas who were the provincial governors i.e Kshatrapas under the Kushana emperors. During A.D. 125, Satkarni drove away from the Kshaharatas and ruled the districts. But the Satavahana rule was shortlived. The Kshaharatas of Ujjain re-conquered the district by about A.D 150 from the Satavahana ruler Satakarni and Daman District again passed under the rule of Kshaharatas of Ujjain till A.D. 249. After the Kshatrapas, the district was ruled by the Abhir Kings till A.D. 416.

After the rule of Abhir kings, the district was under the rule of Traikutakas during the 5th Century A.D. who were the feudatories of the Abhiras. By A.D. 500, the Traikutaka power seems to have been destroyed by the Vakataka king Harishena. The District then was under the power of the Kalachuris of Mahishmati King Krishnaraja and his successors till A.D. 609. King Mangales of Chalukyas of Badami routed out the last king Budharaja of Kalachuris by about A.D. 609. The Chalukyas of Badami ruled the district till A.D. 671 and their descendants known as Lata or Navasari Chalukyas ruled from Navasarika, modern Navasari, on the bank of the river Purna to the north of Daman. They ruled independently as feudatories of the Badami Chalukyas of the Deccan. In the next eight centuries, Daman came under the control of a large number of Hindu kings and chieftains.

Mahmud Shah Begada, Sultan of Gujarat, seems to have conquered fort Parnera on the river Par and port of Daman and levied tribute from Jagatshah in 1465. Naranshah who succeeded Jagatshah ruled from A.D. 1470 to 1500 and Dharmshah II from 1500 to 1531.

Daman was acquired by the Portuguese from the Shah of Gujarat. They noticed the port of Daman for the first time in 1523. They attacked it several times and finally obtained it in 1559 by means of a treaty with the Shah. Thereafter, it was under the rule of Portuguese till its liberation in 1961.